Treatment Approaches

Treatment Approaches

While we incorporate a variety of therapy approaches and skills in order to provide our clients with an individualized therapy experience that is unique to them, we take pride in borrowing extensively from the following evidence-based treatments.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy  CBT is a short-term, problem-focused form of behavioral treatment that helps people see the difference between beliefs, thoughts, and feelings, and frees them from unhelpful patterns of behavior.  It is grounded in the belief that it is a person’s perception of events — rather than the events themselves — that determines how they will feel and act in response.  When clients are taught CBT skills, they experience greater ease in recognizing and restructuring inaccurate beliefs, making room for healthier beliefs and more enjoyable emotions to take root.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy  DBT offers clients comprehensive skills to manage painful emotions and memories and to decrease conflict in their relationships.  Those who battle a steady stream of uncontrollable negative emotions may notice that these emotions affect how they feel about themselves and how they interact with others.  When clients are taught skills that involve mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness, they feel more equipped to manage their negative emotions, feel more balanced and in control, and are able to interact with others more effectively.

Acceptance & Commitment Therapy  ACT is an action-oriented therapy approach that teaches clients to overcome negative thoughts and feelings in order to create positive relationships and life experiences.  Clients learn to identify their negative emotions, engage curiosity to explore how these emotions have come to be, assess their readiness, and commit to making necessary behavioral changes. Through this process, clients are able to live more comfortably with their emotions and to engage more freely and effectively with those around them.